I. – Shall have access to all or, by reason of their attributions, part of the data mentioned in article R. 40-26 for the purposes of judicial investigations:
1° Officers of the national police services carrying out judicial police missions individually designated and specially authorised either by the heads of the territorial services of the national police, or by the heads of the active services at the police prefecture or, where applicable, the police prefect, or by the heads of the central services of the national police or, where applicable, the director general to whom they report ;
2° Military members of national gendarmerie units carrying out judicial police missions individually designated and specially authorised either by group commanders, or by gendarmerie commanders in overseas departments and collectivities and in New Caledonia, or by regional commanders, or by specialised gendarmerie commanders, or by the deputy director of the judicial police or, where applicable, by the director general of the national gendarmerie ;
3° Agents of the national judicial customs service, within their legal remit, individually designated and specially authorised by the magistrate delegated to the judicial missions of the customs or, where applicable, by the Director General of Customs and Indirect Rights ;
4° Magistrates of the public prosecutor’s office;
5° Agents of the judicial services, individually designated and specially authorised by the public prosecutor, responsible for informing the processing manager of judicial decisions and requalifications giving rise, under the conditions defined in Article R. 40-31, to update or delete data.
6° The magistrate mentioned in article 230-9 as well as the agents of the judicial services individually designated and specially authorised by this magistrate, responsible for investigating requests for rectification and deletion ;
7° Agents assigned to national police departments with a judicial police mission, individually designated and specially authorised either by the heads of territorial departments, or by the heads of active departments at the police headquarters, or where applicable, the police prefect, or by the heads of central departments of the national police, or where applicable, the director general to whom they report, for the purposes of collecting, verifying, updating or deleting data recorded in the processing operation;
8° Officers of national gendarmerie units carrying out judicial police duties who have been individually designated and specially authorised either by group commanders, or by gendarmerie commanders in overseas departments and collectivities and in New Caledonia, or by regional commanders, or by the commanders of the specialised gendarmeries, or by the deputy director of the judicial police or, where applicable, by the director general of the national gendarmerie, for the purposes of collecting, verifying, updating or deleting data recorded in the processing ;
Access by any mobile technical means to the data in the file is open only to the persons mentioned in 1°, 2° and 3°.
II. – The following may be recipients of the same data:
1° Other State agents vested by law with judicial police powers;
2° Investigating magistrates, for searches relating to offences referred to them;
3° International judicial police cooperation bodies and foreign police services, under the conditions set out in Article L. 235-1 of the Internal Security Code.
Only the information recorded in the processing relating to the procedure in progress may be attached to the procedure file.