The General Meeting shall draw up its own rules of procedure, adopted by a two-thirds majority, which shall set out in particular:
1° The rules governing the operation of the General Meeting and the Executive Committee;
2° the conditions under which members of the General Meeting may appoint proxies;
3° The conditions for the reimbursement of expenses and the allocation of any allowances referred to in article R. 4031-8 ;
4° The frequency of General Meeting and Executive Committee meetings;
5° Where applicable, the organisation of services and the nature and ceiling of permanent posts;
6° The conditions under which the assembly of the union may delegate powers to the members of the executive committee;
7° In the case of the association of doctors, the proportion of the budget made available to each of the colleges.
The rules of procedure and any amendments thereto shall be communicated to the Director General of the Regional Health Agency.
The assembly defines an annual work programme.
Within the regional union of doctors, each college defines its own work programme. The portion of the regional union’s budget made available to the college, as referred to in article R. 4031-40, must then be used in accordance with the work programme defined by the college.
The assembly adopts a report on the union’s annual activity before 31 March of the following year, which is sent to the director general of the regional health agency for publication on its website.