No later than two months before the date of the elections to the departmental councils, the president of the organising council, or failing that the president of the National Council, sends an individual notice to each elector.
This notice shall indicate:
1° The number of pairs of candidates or candidates to be elected, titulars and, where applicable, substitutes;
2° The place and date of the election, the procedures and the opening and closing times of the ballot. In the event of an on-site vote, this must last at least two hours;
3° The formalities to be completed for the submission of candidacies in accordance with the provisions of article R. 4125-6;
4° The possibility for each pair of candidates or candidate to draw up a profession of faith for the attention of voters, which is enclosed with the electoral documents. This document, written in French on a page no larger than 210 × 297 mm in black and white, may only be devoted to the presentation of the candidates on whose behalf it is distributed and to issues falling within the Order’s remit as defined in article L. 4121-2.