For the assessment of the integration condition provided for in article L. 413-7, the foreign national must provide:
1° A declaration on their honour in which they undertake to respect the principles governing the French Republic;
2° Diplomas or certifications attesting to their command of French at a level equal to or higher than level A2 of the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages as adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in its recommendation CM/ Rec (2008) 7 of 2 July 2008, the list of which is defined by an order of the Minister responsible for reception and integration.
Persons with a disability or chronically impaired health may, on presentation of a medical certificate conforming to the model set by joint order of the minister responsible for reception and integration and the ministers responsible for health and the disabled, benefit from test accommodations for the taking of a language test if their condition justifies it or, if it is impossible to take such a test, be exempted from producing the diplomas or certifications mentioned in 2°.