Points are used up in accordance with the scale set out in article R. 4163-11 in increments of 10 points for the uses set out in 2° and 3° of this article and point by point for the use set out in 1° of the same article.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book I: General provisions | Title VI: Provisions relating to the prevention of the effects of exposure to certain occupational risk factors and to the professional prevention account | Chapter III: Professional prevention account | Section 3: Uses of the professional prevention account | Subsection 1: Conditions for using the account | Article R4163-12 of the French Labour Code
Points are used up in accordance with the scale set out in article R. 4163-11 in increments of 10 points for the uses set out in 2° and 3° of this article and point by point for the use set out in 1° of the same article.
Les points sont consommés selon le barème prévu par l’article R. 4163-11 par tranche de 10 points pour les utilisations prévues aux 2° et 3° de cet article et point par point pour l’utilisation prévue au 1° du même article.
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