The Minister responsible for immigration may withdraw the authorisation to work in France provided for in article L. 422-4 for one of the following reasons:
1° The foreign national no longer has valid travel documents;
2° The foreign national no longer has a residence permit issued by the first Member State;
3° The foreign national no longer has health insurance;
4° The foreign national no longer has sufficient resources;
5° The foreign national no longer provides proof of enrolment at a higher education establishment in France;
6° The establishment hosting the foreign national was set up for the main purpose of facilitating the entry of foreign nationals;
7° The foreign national does not comply with the annual working time limit provided for in article L. 422-4 of the Code de l’entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d’asile;
8° The foreign national is staying on French territory for purposes other than those for which their stay was authorised;
9° The foreign national constitutes a threat to public order, public security or public health.