The commission of medical physicists for the region designated by order of the Minister for Health comprises:
1° The Regional Director for Youth, Sport and Social Cohesion, as Chairman;
2° The Director General of the Regional Health Agency;
3° Six representatives of the professions concerned, designated as follows:
a) Three from the Société française de physique médicale;
b) One from the Société française de radiothérapie oncologique;
c) One from the Société française de médecine nucléaire et imagerie moléculaire;
d) One from the Société française de radiologie.
For each full member, a deputy is appointed under the same conditions;
4° Qualified personalities, appointed under the following conditions:
a) One by the French Nuclear Safety Authority;
b) One by the French National Cancer Institute;
c) One by each of the organisations providing training for medical physicists.
An order of the State representative in the region mentioned in article R. 4251-2, issued on the proposal of the regional director of youth, sports and social cohesion, appoints the full members mentioned in 3°, and their alternates, for a renewable period of five years.