When the Prefect, who is considering refusing to issue or renew a residence permit, refers the matter to the Commission mentioned in article L. 432-14 for an opinion, he will make available to the foreign national, as soon as the matter is referred to the Commission, the certificate of extension of the examination of his application mentioned in the second paragraph of article R. 431-15-1 if the residence permit applied for is on the list referred to in article R. 431-2 or, if it is not, a receipt of application for a residence permit.
These documents are valid for three months and are issued by the Commission.
These documents are valid for three months and are renewed until the Prefect has made a decision. They bear the words “It authorises its holder to work” if the foreign national previously held a residence permit authorising him or her to work.
These documents are valid for three months and are renewed until the Prefect has made a decision.