Article R*432-1 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum
Silence kept by the administrative authority on applications for residence permits constitutes an implicit decision to reject.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum | Regulatory part | Book IV: STAYING IN FRANCE | Title III: ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE | Chapter II: REFUSAL AND WITHDRAWAL OF RESIDENCE PERMITS
Silence kept by the administrative authority on applications for residence permits constitutes an implicit decision to reject.
The implicit rejection decision referred to in article R.* 432-1 arises at the end of a four-month period.As an exception to the first paragraph, this period is ninety days when the foreign national applies for the issue of a residence permit referred to in articles R. 421-23, R. 421-43, R. 421-47, R. 421-54, R. 421-54, R. 421-60, R. 422-5, R. 422-12, R. 426-14 and R. 426-17.By way of derogation from…
Without prejudice to the provisions of articles R. 421-36, R. 421-37, R. 421-40 and R. 424-4, the residence permit is withdrawn in the following cases: 1° A foreign national holding a residence permit is the subject of a deportation order; 2° A foreign national holding a residence permit is the subject of a court order banning him/her from the territory; 3° A foreign national holding a temporary residence permit or…
Without prejudice to the provisions of articles R. 421-41, R. 422-7, R. 423-2 and R. 426-1, the residence permit may be withdrawn in the following cases: 1° The foreign national, holder of a temporary residence permit or a multi-annual residence permit, has committed acts that expose him/her to one of the convictions provided for in articles 222-34 to 222-40, 224-1-A to 224-1-C, 225-4-1 to 225-4-4, 225-4-7, 225-5 to 225-11, 225-12-1…
A resident permit may be withdrawn and replaced ipso jure by a temporary residence permit in the following cases: 1° The foreign national, holder of a resident permit, may not be subject to a deportation order pursuant to articles L. 631-2 or L. 631-3 and has been definitively convicted on the basis of articles 433-3, 433-4, the second to fourth paragraphs of article 433-5, the second paragraph of article 433-5-1…
The Prefect or, in Paris, the Police Prefect shall set up the residence permit commission provided for in article L. 432-14 by an order:1° Recording the appointment of the local elected representatives mentioned in 1° of the same article;2° Appointing the qualified persons mentioned in 2° of the same article;3° Appointing the chairman of the commission.
The administrative authority competent to refer the matter to the residence permit commission pursuant to article L. 432-13 is the Prefect or, in Paris, the Prefect of Police.The request for an opinion is accompanied by the documents required to examine the case, including in particular the reasons which lead the Prefect to consider a decision to refuse to issue or renew a residence permit or a decision to withdraw a…
If the residence permit commission to which the application has been duly submitted has not issued its opinion within three months of the date on which the application was registered with the prefect’s secretariat, its opinion is deemed to have been issued and the prefect may take a decision. .
When the Prefect, who is considering refusing to issue or renew a residence permit, refers the matter to the Commission mentioned in article L. 432-14 for an opinion, he will make available to the foreign national, as soon as the matter is referred to the Commission, the certificate of extension of the examination of his application mentioned in the second paragraph of article R. 431-15-1 if the residence permit applied…
The chairman sets the date of meetings of the residence permit commission. Its members are notified of this date and the agenda at least fifteen days in advance by letter to which the documents mentioned in article R. 432-7 are attached.
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