Passageways and aisles where workers can move between work equipment must be at least 80 centimetres wide.
The profile and condition of the floor in these passageways and walkways must allow safe movement.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book III: Work equipment and means of protection | Title II: Use of work equipment and protective equipment | Chapter III: Organisational measures and conditions of use of work equipment and personal protective equipment | Section 2: Installation of work equipment | Article R4323-12 of the French Labour Code
Passageways and aisles where workers can move between work equipment must be at least 80 centimetres wide.
The profile and condition of the floor in these passageways and walkways must allow safe movement.
Les passages et les allées de circulation des travailleurs entre les équipements de travail ont une largeur d’au moins 80 centimètres.
Le profil et l’état du sol de ces passages et les allées permettent le déplacement en sécurité.
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