Speech and language therapists are authorised to perform the following acts:
1° In the field of abnormalities of oral or written expression :
a) Re-education of language functions in young children with motor, sensory or mental disabilities ;
b) Re-education of articulation, speech or oral language disorders, dysphasia, stammering, whatever their origin;
c) Re-education of phonation disorders linked to palatal division or velo-pharyngeal incompetence;
d) Rehabilitation of written language disorders, dyslexia, dysorthographia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia;
e) Learning alternative or augmentative communication systems;
2° In the field of ear, nose and throat pathologies:
a) Re-education of velo-tubo-tympanic disorders ;
b) Re-education of oro-facial functions leading to articulation and speech disorders;
c) Re-education and conservation of the voice, speech and language, demutisation and learning to lip-read, including in the case of cochlear implants or other devices for the rehabilitation or replacement of deafness;
d) Rehabilitation of swallowing disorders, dysphagia, apraxia and oral-lingual-facial dyspraxia;
e) Re-education of voice disorders of organic or functional origin which may justify the learning of oro-oesophageal or tracheo-pharyngeal voices and the use of any phonatory prosthesis;
3° In the field of neurological pathologies:
a) Re-education of dysarthria and dysphagia ;
b) Re-education of oral or written language functions linked to localised brain lesions, aphasia, alexia, agnosia, agraphia, acalculia ;
c) Maintaining and adapting communication functions in the case of degenerative lesions associated with cerebral ageing.