A permanent delegation is created within the sites council sitting in a formation known as “heritage and architecture”, whose powers are described in article R. 611-23 of the heritage code.
It comprises:
1° Three representatives of the State:
a) The Prefect of Corsica;
b) The Regional Director of Cultural Affairs;
c) One member appointed by the Prefect of Corsica from among the members of the Corsican Sites Council sitting in its so-called “heritage and architecture” formation mentioned in g of 1° of Article R. 4421-2 and in 1° of Article R. 4421-5;
2° Three holders of a national or local elective mandate:
a) The President of the Corsican Executive Council;
b) Two holders of a national or local elective mandate appointed by the President of the Executive Council from among the members of the council of sites mentioned in b to d of 2° of Article R. 4421-2 and in 2° of Article R. 4421-5;
3° Two qualified personalities appointed from among the qualified personalities of the Sites Council sitting in the so-called “heritage and architecture” formation, including one appointed by the Prefect of Corsica and one by the President of the Executive Council ;
4° Two representatives of associations or foundations appointed from among the representatives of associations or foundations who are members of the Sites Council sitting in a formation known as “heritage and architecture”, one of whom is appointed by the Corsican Prefect and one by the President of the Executive Council.
For each of the members mentioned in c of 1°, b of 2° and 4° above, a substitute is appointed under the same conditions.