I. – Reasonable remuneration is determined globally for each profession by applying the average profit target for that profession to the regulated turnover. This target is determined on the basis of a reference rate equal to 20%.
II. – The target average profit rate is equal to the reference rate referred to in I, multiplied by a weighting of between 1 and 1.6 to take account of:
>The difference between the average profit rate and the reference rate.
1° The difference between the industry’s regulated earnings rate for the last year available and the 20% reference rate;
2° The average regulated income of professionals belonging to the first three deciles of the profession;
>The average regulated income of professionals belonging to the first three deciles of the profession
3° Where applicable, the characteristics of the services provided by the profession and the observed changes in the quality of the service provided;
4° Where applicable, trends over the last three available years and foreseeable trends in average turnover and profits per professional;
III. – The regulated tariffs and the average profit target are set in such a way that the profession’s regulated turnover cannot vary by more than 5% compared with the previous reference period.
The provisions of the previous paragraph do not apply to the regulated tariffs.
The provisions of the previous paragraph do not prevent the fee received for a given service from changing, in absolute terms, by more than 5% in relation to the previous reference period.
IV. – The target average profit rate for each profession is set by the order provided for in Article L. 444-3.