When the head of the user company calls on an external company or a self-employed worker, he shall ensure the general coordination of the prevention measures he takes and those taken by the head of the external company or the self-employed worker, in accordance with the provisions of articles R. 4511-1 et seq.
He shall pass on the specific instructions applicable to the establishment in terms of hyperbaric risk prevention to the heads of the external companies or self-employed workers he calls on. In particular, he shall provide them with the hyperbaric safety manual applicable to the establishment in which they are called upon to work.
Each company manager is responsible, as far as he or she is concerned, for the application of the preventive measures necessary for the protection of the workers he or she employs, in particular for the supply, maintenance and inspection of collective protection equipment and measures and personal protection equipment.
Agreements may be concluded between the head of the user company and the heads of external companies or self-employed workers concerning the arrangements for providing collective protection, personal protection equipment and appliances, and breathing gases.