I.-The provisions of this chapter determine the specific requirements applicable to all employers mentioned in article L. 4111-1 who carry out the following pyrotechnic activities:
The manufacture, study, experimentation, testing, packaging, conservation, destruction of explosive substances or objects intended to be used for the effects of their explosion or for pyrotechnic purposes, the demolition or dismantling of pyrotechnic equipment or buildings.
The following pyrotechnic activities are not covered by the provisions of this chapter:
1° The conservation, assembly or dismantling of pyrotechnic objects, the operation of which does not induce any pyrotechnic effect outside their casing ;
2° The use of explosive substances or objects for the effects of their operation.
II – Pyrotechnic activities taking place … are excluded from the scope of this chapter:
1° On board ships or on offshore drilling platforms ;
2° During mine clearance operations carried out by the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Defence pursuant to Decree no. 76-225 of 4 March 1976, as amended, laying down the respective powers of the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Defence with regard to the search for, neutralisation, removal and destruction of munitions and explosives;
3° In pyrotechnic decontamination sites covered byarticle 1 of decree no. 2005-1325 of 26 October 2005 as amended relating to safety rules applicable to work carried out as part of a pyrotechnic decontamination site;
4° In the sales areas of shops to which the provisions relating to ammunition and fireworks of the safety regulations against the risks of fire and panic in establishments open to the public (ERP), approved in application of article R. 143-12 of the building and housing code, apply;
5° In installations for the temporary storage, duly declared to the competent authority, of pyrotechnic articles prior to a pyrotechnic show, when the total quantity of active material does not reach the threshold for the declaration system provided for in heading 1311 in column A of theappendix to article R. 511-9 of the Environment Code and when the duration of the temporary storage does not exceed fifteen days;
6° In ammunition storage facilities in risk division 1.4, as defined by Directive 2008/68/EC of 24 September 2008 on the inland transport of dangerous goods, under the responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior;
7° In facilities, other than those mentioned in 6°, where ammunition of risk division 1.4 S is stored in packaging approved for transport and where the total quantity of active material is less than 20 kg;
8° When arming and disarming combat platforms and combat units.