The general co-ordination plan is completed and adapted according to the development of the site and the actual duration to be devoted to the different types of work or work phases.
The companies are informed of these changes.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book V: Prevention of risks associated with certain activities or operations | Title III: Building and civil engineering | Chapter II: Coordination of building and civil engineering works | Section 4: General health and safety coordination plan. | Subsection 1: First and second category operations. | Article R4532-47 of the French Labour Code
The general co-ordination plan is completed and adapted according to the development of the site and the actual duration to be devoted to the different types of work or work phases.
The companies are informed of these changes.
Le plan général de coordination est complété et adapté en fonction de l’évolution du chantier et de la durée effective à consacrer aux différents types de travaux ou phases de travail.
Ces modifications sont portées à la connaissance des entreprises.
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