In industries where there is a professional body for health, safety and working conditions, as provided for in Article L. 4643-1, this body is responsible for promoting safety training and providing technical assistance for its implementation.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book VI: Prevention institutions and organisations | Title IV: Institutions contributing to the organisation of prevention | Chapter III: Health and safety bodies and committees | Section 1: General provisions. | Article R4643-1 of the French Labour Code
In industries where there is a professional body for health, safety and working conditions, as provided for in Article L. 4643-1, this body is responsible for promoting safety training and providing technical assistance for its implementation.
Dans les branches d’activité où existe un organisme professionnel de santé, de sécurité et des conditions de travail, prévu à l’article L. 4643-1, cet organisme est chargé de promouvoir la formation à la sécurité et d’apporter son concours technique pour sa mise en œuvre.
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