The deliberations of the National Committee, listed in article R. 4643-5, are automatically enforceable, with the exception of those concerning the vote on the budget.
The latter are adopted and made enforceable under the following conditions:
1° The initial budget, itemised in accordance with the chart of accounts applicable to establishments governed by private law, is adopted by the Council of the National Committee no later than twenty-one days before the start of the year to which it applies. It is enforceable only if, within twenty-one days of its adoption, the Minister for Labour has not made known his opposition. The adoption of the initial budget is preceded, during the month of October, by a policy debate within the National Committee designed to prepare the initial budget for the following year in the light, in particular, of the implementation of the current budget and the annual programme envisaged for the coming year;
2° If the initial budget is not adopted or approved within the stipulated period, the Minister responsible for labour may authorise the body to renew the budget for the previous financial year in accordance with the twelfths rule;
3° Amendments to be made during the financial year to the implementation of the initial budget are approved by the National Committee Council. They are enforceable only if the Minister for Labour has not made known his opposition within fifteen days of their adoption.