The decision to authorise or refuse the resumption of the regulated work concerned is notified in the form and within the time limits mentioned in articles R. 4733-6 and R. 4733-7.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book VII: Control | Title III: Emergency measures and procedures | Chapter III: Emergency procedures and measures concerning young people under the age of eighteen | Section 2: Withdrawal of assignment to certain works | Subsection 2: Withdrawal of assignment to one or more regulated jobs | Article R4733-10 of the French Labour Code
The decision to authorise or refuse the resumption of the regulated work concerned is notified in the form and within the time limits mentioned in articles R. 4733-6 and R. 4733-7.
La décision d’autorisation ou de refus de reprise des travaux réglementés concernés est notifiée dans les formes et les délais mentionnés aux articles R. 4733-6 et R. 4733-7.
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