I. – With effect from financial years beginning on or after 1 January 2014, the persons referred to in II of Article L. 511-45 shall draw up a table grouping together the information relating to their establishments by State or territory, referred to in 1° of III of the same article, as well as a table grouping together by State or territory the other information referred to in III of the same article. In the document in which they appear, these two tables are presented one after the other.
These persons are not required to draw up these tables when the information mentioned in the previous paragraph is published, in accordance with the procedures provided for in II, by their consolidating company, within the meaning of article L. 233-16 of the Commercial Code, established in France or when it is published by their consolidating company established in another Member State of the European Union in application of an equivalent system.
II. – The persons mentioned in II of Article L. 511-45 whose financial securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market publish the two tables mentioned in I once a year in their management report or, where applicable, in the group management report.
The persons mentioned in II of Article L. 511-45 whose financial securities are not admitted to trading on a regulated market shall publish the two tables mentioned in I once a year in their management report or, where applicable, in the group management report. However, if their management report is not filed with the clerk of the commercial court or if the person is not subject to the obligation to draw up a management report, the tables are published in the notes to their annual financial statements. If the management report and annual financial statements are not made public by the clerk of the commercial court, the tables are published once a year in a separate document on the website of the person concerned within eight months of the end of the financial year and are accompanied by the statutory auditors’ certificate provided for in V of Article L. 511-45 or, where applicable, a statement that certification has been refused.
III. – Without prejudice to the publicity measures concerning the management report and the annual financial statements, the persons mentioned in I shall make the tables available to the public free of charge on their website within eight months of the end of the financial year and for a period of five years.