The Departmental Employment and Integration Commission is chaired by the Prefect. It comprises:
1° State representatives, in particular the departmental director of employment, work and vocational training and the departmental director of health and social affairs;
2° Elected representatives of local authorities and their groupings, including a member of the departmental council, elected by this council, a member of the regional council, elected by this council, and elected representatives of municipalities and public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation in the department, on the proposal of the departmental association of mayors. Where there is more than one association, these representatives are appointed by agreement of the presidents of the associations of mayors in the department or, in the absence of agreement, by the Prefect;
3° Representatives of professional and inter-professional employers’ organisations;
4° Representatives of trade union organisations representing employees at national level, appointed by their respective confederations;
5° Representatives of consular chambers;
6° Qualified persons appointed by the Prefect for their expertise in the field of employment, integration and business creation.