I.-A partial activity authorisation may be granted for a maximum period of three months. It may be renewed under the conditions set out in II and up to a limit of six months, consecutive or otherwise, over a reference period of twelve consecutive months.
Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, when the employer places his employees in a partial activity position in application of 3° of article R. 5122-1, the partial activity authorisation may be granted for a maximum period of six months. This authorisation may be renewed under the conditions set out in II.
II.-When the employer has, prior to his request, already placed his employees in partial activity during the thirty-six months preceding the date of submission of the authorisation request, the latter shall mention the commitments made by the employer.
These commitments may relate in particular to :
1° Keeping employees in employment for up to twice the duration of the authorisation period;
2° Specific training measures for employees placed on part-time work;
3° Actions relating to forward-looking management of jobs and skills;
4° Actions aimed at restoring the company’s economic situation.
The administrative authority sets these commitments taking into account the situation of the company, any collective agreement on the conditions for using partial activity or, failing that, the proposals contained in the request for authorisation as well as the recurrence of partial activity in the establishment.
III – The commitments are notified in the authorisation decision.
IV – The administrative authority will ensure that the commitments made by the employer are respected.