Provided that he fulfils the conditions of designation required for each of them, the same pharmacist may manage two pharmacies for internal use belonging to different managers. This number may be increased to three where the pharmacies belong to medico-social establishments.
Such management may be exercised provided that the pharmacist concerned is able to complete the time he is required to be present in each pharmacy and carry out his daily duties in each of them, particularly in emergencies. This shared practice is subject to the pharmacist having obtained the agreement of the legal representative of each managing legal entity or of the Minister of Defence in the case of army hospitals. Refusal by these legal representatives or the Minister may only be refused on health safety grounds. In the case of hospital practitioners, shared practice is subject to the conclusion of the agreement provided for in article R. 6152-4 or, where applicable, article R. 6152-30.
In the case of pharmacists in the armed forces health service, this practice is subject to the conclusion of an agreement determining the procedures for distributing the pharmacist’s activity between establishments.