The management contract referred to in Article R. 5126-49 shall include the following particulars:
1° The time that the pharmacist must be present and its weekly breakdown;
2° The pharmacist’s service obligations and the arrangements for his replacement in the event of absence;
3° The elements of the pharmacist’s remuneration and the conditions under which it will change, taking into account, for public hospital pharmacists on secondment, the statutory provisions applicable to them;
4° The conditions under which the pharmacist is provided with the staff and the premises, equipment and facilities necessary for the proper operation of the pharmacy.
In health cooperation groupings and social and medico-social cooperation groupings which have legal personality under private law, the pharmacy for internal use may be managed by a pharmacist made available to the grouping by one of the member establishments. In this case, the management contract does not include the elements mentioned in 3° above. Of the pharmacists made available by a public health establishment, only the practitioners mentioned in 1° of article L. 6152-1 may manage the pharmacy in accordance with the conditions laid down by the statute to which they are subject.