Manufacturers who manufacture or process psychotropic substances or their preparations draw up an annual summary statement indicating for each psychotropic substance:
1° The quantities manufactured ;
2° Quantities acquired on the national market;
3° Quantities imported;
4° The quantities used for the manufacture of the preparations mentioned in articles R. 5132-44 and R. 5132-2, or the manufacture of non-psychotropic substances;
5° The quantities used for the manufacture of preparations other than those mentioned in 4° ;
6° The nature and quantity of the products obtained;
7° The quantities sold on the national market;
8° Quantities exported;
9° Stocks at the end of the year, including stocks of products in the course of manufacture.
This statement, which covers the previous calendar year, is sent to the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé by 15 February at the latest.
The authorisation provided for in Article R. 5132-88 may require its holder to draw up and produce several summary statements during each calendar year.
This statement is also sent to the Agency by the services, establishments and organisations mentioned in 8° of I and II of article R. 5132-89.