The aid intended for people setting up or taking over a business, or undertaking the practice of another self-employed profession, provided for in this chapter, includes :
1° The exemption from social security contributions provided for in Article L. 161-1-1 of the Social Security Code. This exemption may be combined with the allowances mentioned in article 9 of law no. 98-657 of 29 July 1998 on the fight against exclusion;
2° The repayable advance provided for in article L. 5141-2. The subsidy for young farmers granted in application of articles R. 343-3 et seq. of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code cannot be combined with this repayable advance;
3° Payment by the State to beneficiaries of the exemptions provided for in 1°, made in accordance with the provisions of article L. 5141-3. For persons eligible for these exemptions during their period of compensation under the insurance allowance, the benefit of the specific solidarity allowance provided for in Article L. 5423-1 is maintained until the end of the benefit of these exemptions;
4° Partial financing by the State of advice and support measures for business creators or buyers in application of Article L. 5141-5 of the Labour Code.