For the purposes of article L. 5143-3, a user approved to carry out the extemporaneous preparation of medicated feedingstuffs means the professional keeper of animals belonging to species whose flesh or products are intended for human consumption and who himself carries out the extemporaneous preparation of medicated feedingstuffs intended exclusively for animals which he or one of his employees keeps, raises or cares for.
To obtain approval, the user submits an application to the prefect of the département in which the facility is located.
When applying for approval, the user must designate the veterinarian or pharmacist who has authority over operations relating to the extemporaneous preparation of medicated feed in his facility and state this in the application for approval. Any changes must be notified to the Prefect.
The Prefect will notify his decision within ninety days of receipt of the application. If the Prefect remains silent, approval will be refused on expiry of this period.
The procedures for submitting and examining applications, and the content of the dossier attached to the application, are laid down by order of the Ministers of Agriculture and Health, on a proposal from the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail.
This file includes information and supporting documents relating to the user, pharmacist or veterinarian under whose authority the facilities operate, a description of the facility and its operating conditions.