1° Data from the personal training account information system, including data from the citizen commitment account;
2° Data from the professional prevention account information system;
3° Personal data freely entered by the account holder and data from the account holder’s use of the online services mentioned in I and in 2° and 3° of II of article L. 5151-6 relating to the following:
a) Data relating to the account holder’s career path: professional activities carried out or having been carried out, civic commitment activities carried out or having been carried out, initial and continuing education and training followed, diplomas and certifications obtained, qualifications held and carried out;
b) Data relating to the account holder’s professional skills: skills and competences, driving licence, foreign languages;
c) Data resulting from use of the above-mentioned online services;
d) Data relating to the account holder’s career plans: occupations envisaged or sought, training envisaged or sought, region of residence currently or sought, region of current workplace and workplace sought;
e) Data from the account holder’s professional profile: name of original professional branch, employer’s APE code;
f) Data relating to the account holder’s contact details: e-mail address.