The diploma mentioned in 1° of articles R. 519-8, R. 519-9 and R. 519-10 certifies training in at least one of the following subjects: finance, banking, management, economics, law or insurance. A business diploma awarded on completion of a Level I higher education course may also be taken into account. If acquired in France, it is registered in the National Register of Professional Certifications mentioned in article L. 6113-5 of the Labour Code and falls within a training nomenclature specified by an order of the Minister for the Economy or is awarded on behalf of the State in accordance with articles L. 613-1, L. 641-4 and L. 641-5 of the Education Code.
If acquired abroad, the diploma is recognised by the ENIC-NARIC France Centre, part of France Education International mentioned in article R. 314-51 of the Education Code, on the basis of a certificate of comparability.