Pre-orientation centres are interdepartmental or regional in scope and may be attached to functional rehabilitation or vocational re-education establishments. In this case, they are managed independently and have separate accounts.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book II: Provisions applicable to certain categories of workers | Title I: Disabled workers | Chapter III: Recognition and guidance of disabled workers | Section 1: Orientation and placement | Article R5213-3 of the French Labour Code
Pre-orientation centres are interdepartmental or regional in scope and may be attached to functional rehabilitation or vocational re-education establishments. In this case, they are managed independently and have separate accounts.
Les centres de préorientation ont une compétence interdépartementale ou régionale et peuvent être rattachés à des établissements de réadaptation fonctionnelle ou de rééducation professionnelle. Dans ce cas, ils ont une gestion autonome et une comptabilité distincte.
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