I.-The multiannual contract of objectives and resources referred to in Article L. 5213-13-1 includes:
1° A presentation of the structure’s economic and social project aimed at promoting access to employment for workers recognised as disabled, specifying :
a) Data relating to the identification of the company and a description of its activities ;
b) The arrangements for monitoring and supporting disabled employees in their career plans;
2° A presentation of the resources mobilised to implement the adapted enterprise’s economic and social project;
3° The number of workers recognised as disabled entitling them to the financial aid mentioned in Article L. 5213-19;
4° The administrative, accounting and financial documents to be sent to the Regional Prefect;
5° The procedures for monitoring, evaluating and terminating the multiannual contract of objectives and resources.
II.-Where the adapted enterprise carries out all or part of its activity in a prison, the multiannual contract for objectives and resources shall include, in addition to the elements mentioned in I:
1° The establishment contract concluded for this purpose;
2° The social and professional characteristics of the prisoners who have signed a prison employment contract as well as the procedures for monitoring and supporting them;
3° The rules governing the remuneration of prisoners who have signed a prison employment contract.