The association sends the Minister for Employment, for approval, the draft distribution of contributions for the current year, by 31 March each year at the latest.
It shall also send him the report on the use of contributions for the previous year.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book II: Provisions applicable to certain categories of workers | Title I: Disabled workers | Chapter IV: Institutions and organisations contributing to the professional integration of disabled people | Section 3: Development fund for the professional integration of disabled people | Article R5214-21 of the French Labour Code
The association sends the Minister for Employment, for approval, the draft distribution of contributions for the current year, by 31 March each year at the latest.
It shall also send him the report on the use of contributions for the previous year.
L’association transmet au ministre chargé de l’emploi, pour approbation, le projet de répartition des contributions pour l’année en cours, au plus tard au 31 mars de chaque année.
Elle lui adresse également le rapport d’utilisation des contributions pour l’année écoulée.
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