For each person subject to registration in the file, the following personal data is recorded:
1° Information relating to the person him/herself:
-last name, first name, sex, date and place of birth of the person, nationality or nationalities, as well as any alias, change of name and customary name; also recorded is information relating to the filiation of the person, if this person does not appear in the national register of identification of natural persons, this information may not, however, constitute a search criterion ;
-successive addresses of the person’s domicile and residence(s), or of the place where they have elected domicile under the conditions laid down in Article L. 264-1 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles, as well as any corresponding dates;
2° Information relating to the decision(s) giving rise to the registration:
-nature and date of the decision;
-jurisdiction that handed down the decision;
-main or additional penalties or measures ordered;
-nature of the offence or offences for which the person is being prosecuted or convicted;
-place of the acts;
-date of the acts;
-express nature of the registration;
-date of notification of the obligations provided for by Article 706-53-6 and paragraph 2 of II of article 216 of law no. 2004-204 of 9 March 2004 ;
-date of execution or end of execution of the sentence or measure;
where applicable, dates of committal and release;
3° Miscellaneous information :
-dates of proof of address;
-periodicity of the obligation to present if any;
-decisions taken in application of article 706-53-10 and paragraph 2 of I of article 216 of law no. 2004-204 of 9 March 2004;
where applicable, date and reason for entry in the wanted persons file.