The creation by the Caisse nationale des allocations familiales, on the one hand, and the Caisse centrale de la mutualité sociale agricole, on the other hand, of personal data processing called “transmission to Pôle emploi of data relating to beneficiaries of the revenu de solidarité active, the prime d’activité and the allocation aux adultes handicapés” is authorised. The purpose of this processing is to identify jobseekers who are in receipt of these benefits. This data is recorded by Pôle emploi in its automated processing of data relating to the management of job applications, in order to enable it to:
1° Fulfil its missions as set out inArticle L. 5312-1 of the Labour Code ;
2° Comply with the obligations set out in Article L. 262-42 of the Social Action and Family Code;
3° Implement the special provisions set out in Articles L. 5132-5, L. 5134-23-1 and L. 5134-25-1 of the Labour Code.