The creation by Pôle emploi of an automated processing system for personal data called “Information system concerning jobseekers and employees” is hereby authorised.
Its purpose is to
1° Information, reception, guidance and support for people seeking employment, training or professional advice and putting them in touch with employers;
2° Registration, non-renewal of registration, changes in situation on the jobseekers’ list, updating and removal from this list;
3° Drawing up and monitoring the personalised project for access to employment, monitoring job-seeking;
4° Allocation and payment of benefits and assistance, recovery of sums wrongly received;
5° The management of claims and disputes;
6° The electronic management of documents;
7° The exchange of data with social security or supplementary pension bodies in order to guarantee the social rights of jobseekers or to avoid the undue accumulation of benefits and assistance with social benefits or salary;
8° The sharing of data between players in the public employment, guidance and training services and with the Services and Payment Agency referred to inarticle L. 313-1 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code, in order to enable the performance of the legal missions of each;
9° Preventing and combating fraud;
10° Feeding and aggregating data in order to produce statistics relating to the missions set out in Article L. 5312-1 and indicators enabling the management of Pôle emploi’s activities.