As part of the purposes mentioned in Article R. 5312-38, Pôle emploi also provides a teleservice enabling people to complete, via a personal space on the Pôle emploi website or via any other information and communication technology, procedures and formalities aimed in particular at:
1° Establishing contact with an employer;
2° Creating or downloading a curriculum vitae and sending it to employers or Pôle emploi partners;
3° Registering for a service or applying for assistance;
4° Registering on the jobseekers’ list, applying for benefit, preparing for the first interview in the personalised pathway to employment and downloading supporting documents;
5° Update their situation on the jobseekers’ list, update their personalised pathway to employment, apply for assistance or make a claim;
6° Be in contact with an advisor by electronic or instant messaging, by video-conference or by telephone;
7° Complete online advice or training modules and take part in forums.
The procedures and formalities mentioned in 4° are completed solely by using a teleservice, with the assistance of Pôle emploi staff under the conditions defined byarticle R. 5411-2 of the Labour Code.