For the purposes mentioned in Article R. 5312-38, the information system is linked, for verification and updating purposes, with :
1° The national system for managing identifiers implemented by the Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Vieillesse des Travailleurs Salariés, mentioned inArticle L. 114-12-1 of the Social Security Code, to uniquely identify jobseekers and employees by certifying their registration number in the National Register for the Identification of Natural Persons (NIR);
2° The application for managing the files of foreign nationals in France (AGDREF2) mentioned in article R. 142-11 of the Code de l’entrée et du séjour des étrangers en France to check the validity of the residence permit, access to the labour market and the right to register and remain on the list of job seekers;
3° The national bank account file (FICOBA2), referred to in Article 2 of the Order of 14 June 1982 relating to the extension of an automated system for managing the bank account file, to check that the bank details are those of the jobseeker;
4° The files of the organisations mentioned in 7° and 8° of article R. 5312-38 ;
5° A file of legal notices, in order to check whether the user holds a corporate office, and thus make the data from the application for registration on the jobseekers’ list, the application for unemployment benefit or any application for employment aid that may be granted to the jobseeker or employer more reliable.