The request for a rescript, from an employer concerning one of its corporate officers or a person holding a corporate office, as provided for in Article L. 5312-12-2, shall include a precise and complete presentation of the factual situation to enable Pôle emploi to assess whether the conditions required for determining liability to unemployment insurance have been met.
The application, accompanied by all the necessary information and documents, is submitted to Pôle emploi by any means that confers a date of receipt.
If the application is incomplete, Pôle emploi will invite the applicant, in the same way, to provide the necessary additional information. In the absence of a response within two months of the date of receipt of this request for additional information, the application is deemed to have lapsed.
Pôle emploi will give its decision within two months of the date of receipt of the rescript request, or of the additional information requested.
The decision on the rescript request is notified to the employer and the person concerned. The decision does not prevent the employer from regularising its unemployment insurance contributions within the applicable limitation period.