The Board of Directors decides on matters relating to the purpose of Pôle emploi. It deliberates on :
1° Annual guidelines and business development plans ;
2° Measures designed to facilitate recruitment operations by companies, to promote the integration, redeployment, professional promotion and geographical and professional mobility of people, whether or not they have a job, in application of the tripartite agreement mentioned in article L. 5312-3;
3° The conditions under which Pôle emploi implements public employment policy measures;
4° The nature of the agreements subject to prior and special deliberation by the Board, within the limit, if any, of an amount that it determines;
5° The conditions for using specialised service providers to carry out actions organised for jobseekers or businesses, within the framework of the guidelines set by the tripartite agreement referred to in article L. 5312-3 ;
6° The annual activity report;
7° The general conditions of organisation and operation of Pôle emploi, in particular the creation or abolition of establishments with national or specific competence;
8° The programme of territorial offices;
9° The general conditions of employment and remuneration of staff;
10° Pôle emploi’s internal regulations, which set out in particular the system of travel expenses applicable to its staff;
11° The initial budget and its revisions;
12° The annual accounts;
13° Borrowings and maximum outstanding cash loans;
14° Acceptance of gifts and legacies;
15° the acquisition of financial holdings and participation in economic interest groupings, public interest groupings or European territorial cooperation groupings; and
16° The general terms and conditions of charges for services rendered;
17° The nature of legal actions, settlements and debt forgiveness for which the Chief Executive Officer may act without prior and special deliberation by the Board, up to a limit, if any, to be determined by the Board;
18° Appointment of the Statutory Auditors;
19° the internal rules governing contracts, and the composition of the Contracts Committee;
20° The nature of the contracts that the Chief Executive Officer may enter into without the prior and special approval of the Board, up to a limit, if any, determined by the Board.
It authorises the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director to sign the multi-year agreement referred to in Article L. 5312-3.
At each meeting, the Board of Directors examines the Pôle emploi activity and management report prepared by the Director General.