The institution’s Board of Directors is made up of the following members:
1° Nine representatives of the State, each with two votes, appointed as follows:
a) Two representatives appointed by the Minister for Employment ;
b) Two representatives appointed by the Minister for the Budget; and
c) One representative appointed by the Minister for Vocational Training;
d) One representative appointed by the Minister for the Economy;
e) One representative appointed by the Minister for National Education;
f) A representative appointed by the Minister for Social Affairs;
g) A representative appointed by the Minister of the Interior;
2° Four qualified persons, including at least one person chosen from among the representatives of users, appointed on the joint proposal of the ministers responsible for employment, vocational training and the budget;
3° Four elected representatives of regional councils, appointed on the recommendation of the Association of French Regions. Each representative has two votes;
4° One representative of each national and cross-sectoral trade union organisation, appointed by each of them;
5° One representative of each professional employers’ organisation representative at national and cross-industry level, appointed by each of them;
6° Two staff representatives, appointed under the conditions laid down in Chapter II of Title II of Act no. 83-675 of 26 July 1983 on the democratisation of the public sector.
The members mentioned in 1° may be represented.
The term of office for members of the Board of Directors is five years, renewable once.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors may not be over seventy years of age on the day of his appointment.
The Managing Director, the Economic and Financial Control Authority and the Secretary of the Central Social and Economic Committee attend meetings of the Board of Directors in an advisory capacity.