Article R5315-1 of the French Labour Code
The establishment mentioned in article L. 5315-1 is placed under the joint supervision of the ministers responsible for employment, vocational training and the budget.
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The establishment mentioned in article L. 5315-1 is placed under the joint supervision of the ministers responsible for employment, vocational training and the budget.
The institution’s Board of Directors is made up of the following members: 1° Nine representatives of the State, each with two votes, appointed as follows: a) Two representatives appointed by the Minister for Employment ; b) Two representatives appointed by the Minister for the Budget; and c) One representative appointed by the Minister for Vocational Training; d) One representative appointed by the Minister for the Economy; e) One representative appointed…
The Board of Directors manages the school’s affairs. In particular, it deliberates on : 1° Annual and multiannual guidelines, in particular those set out in the contract of objectives and performance signed between the State and the public establishment, represented, on its authorisation, by the Chairman and the Managing Director ; 2° Business development plans, measures to promote integration and qualifications and to support the promotion and mobility of people,…
The Chairman of the Board of Directors: 1° Presides over the discussions of the Board of Directors. He has the casting vote in the event of a tied vote; 2° Convenes the Board of Directors, sets its agenda on the proposal of the Managing Director, signs the minutes of the Board of Directors’ meetings and ensures that they are sent without delay to the supervisory ministers; 3° Ensures that its…
In order to assist the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer in the management of the institution, the following committees are set up within the Board of Directors: 1° An Audit Committee; 2° A Strategy Committee; 3° An Appointments and Remuneration Committee. The members of each committee are appointed by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Chairman. The authority responsible for economic…
The Board of Directors is convened by its Chairman at least three times a year. It is also convened as of right, at the written request of one third of its members or at the request of one of the supervisory ministers, on agenda items determined by them, within one month of the request. The agenda, together with the documents required to prepare the items to be discussed, shall be…
Subject to the following paragraph and to the provisions of article R. 5315-12 with regard to the decisions covered by 8° of article R. 5315-3, the decisions of the Board of Directors are enforceable fifteen days after their receipt by the supervisory ministers if the latter have not objected. They may be implemented immediately, in the event of an emergency declared by the Board of Directors, with the authorisation of…
The Managing Director is appointed by decree on the joint proposal of the supervisory ministers. The Director General: 1° Prepares, co-signs and executes the contract of objectives and performance provided for in 1° of Article R. 5315-3; 2° Prepares the deliberations of the Board of Directors and ensures their execution; 3° Prepares and executes the institution’s budget; 4° Is the authorising officer for revenue and expenditure; 5° Has authority over…
The public establishment is subject to: 1° The rules applicable to industrial and commercial companies in terms of financial management and accounting; 2° State economic and financial control, in accordance with the conditions laid down by Decree no. 53-707 of 9 August 1953 on State control of national public companies and certain bodies with an economic or social purpose and Decree no. 55-733 of 26 May 1955 on State economic…
The public establishment keeps analytical accounts to meet the requirements of managing services of general economic interest and assessing the public service obligations giving rise to compensation.
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