It is also convened as of right, at the written request of one third of its members or at the request of one of the supervisory ministers, on agenda items determined by them, within one month of the request.
The agenda, together with the documents required to prepare the items to be discussed, shall be brought to the attention of the members of the Board of Directors at least ten days before the meeting, except in cases of justified urgency. In this case, the deadline may not be less than forty-eight hours.
The Board of Directors may validly deliberate if at least half of its members are present.
The Board of Directors shall hear the relevant ministers at their request.
The Board of Directors, on its own initiative or that of its Chairman, may hear any person it deems useful.
When the Board of Directors is deliberating on a decision in which one of its members has, directly or indirectly, any interest whatsoever, the member concerned shall not attend the deliberations. Decisions taken in breach of this obligation are automatically null and void.
Minutes are kept of each meeting of the Board of Directors.
The mandate of director is free of charge, without prejudice to the reimbursement by the public institution of expenses incurred in the exercise of this mandate.