The president of the Cour nationale du droit d’asile and the presidents he appoints for this purpose may, by reasoned order:
1° Take note of withdrawals;
2° Reject appeals that do not fall within the jurisdiction of the court;
3° Find that there is no need to rule on an appeal;
4° Reject appeals that are manifestly inadmissible and that cannot be covered in the course of proceedings or that have not been put in order by the expiry of the time limit set by a request made to that effect pursuant to Article R. 532-12;
5° Reject appeals that do not present any serious element likely to call into question the decision of the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons; in this case, the order may only be made after the applicant has been given the opportunity to acquaint himself with the documents in the case file and after the case has been examined by a rapporteur;
6° Rule on appeals that no longer present any issues to be judged other than the conviction provided for in Articles 37 and 75 of the Law of 10 July 1991.