The decisions of the National Court of Asylum are reasoned.
The decision states that the hearing was public, unless the provisions of Article L. 532-11 were applied. In the latter case, it is stated that the hearing took place or continued without the public being present.
It contains the surname and first names of the applicant, a statement of the purpose of the application and the legal and factual circumstances put forward in writing in support of it as well as, if applicable, a mention of the written observations of the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons. It indicates, where applicable, whether the provisions of Articles L. 532-12 to L. 532-14 have been applied.
The decision states that the rapporteur and, where applicable, the applicant, his lawyer and the representative of the Office have been heard.
The oral observations of the parties are mentioned insofar as they have added to their written submissions.
The decision indicates the date of the hearing and the date on which it was handed down.
The minute of each decision is signed by the chairman of the panel that handed down the decision and by the secretary general of the court or by a head of department.