Jobseekers must inform Pôle emploi within 72 hours of any absence from their usual place of residence of more than seven days and of any change of address.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book IV: Jobseekers | Title I: Rights and obligations of jobseekers | Chapter I: Jobseeker registration and job search | Section 2: Change of status. | Article R5411-8 of the French Labour Code
Jobseekers must inform Pôle emploi within 72 hours of any absence from their usual place of residence of more than seven days and of any change of address.
Le demandeur d’emploi informe, dans un délai de soixante-douze heures, les services de Pôle emploi de toute absence de sa résidence habituelle d’une durée supérieure à sept jours et de tout changement de domicile.
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