The standards mentioned in article L. 552-13 correspond to the administrative, legal, health and social support services provided to asylum seekers for the duration of their accommodation. They are provided by the manager of the accommodation facility or under his responsibility. They include :
1° Domiciliation of the asylum seeker, for the duration of the asylum application procedure;
2° Information on the missions and operation of the accommodation centre and information on the rights and duties of the person accommodated, materialised by the signing of a residence contract;
3° Information on the asylum procedure and assistance with the administrative formalities involved in lodging an application with the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and, where applicable, lodging an appeal with the National Court for the Right of Asylum;
4° Providing information on healthcare and facilitating access to healthcare services in order to ensure that healthcare needs are met;
5° Assisting with the procedures for obtaining various social entitlements;
6° Assisting with the schooling of minors in accommodation;
7° Setting up social, voluntary and recreational activities, in partnership, where appropriate, with local authorities and community organisations;
8° Preparing and organising departure from the accommodation, in conjunction with the French Office for Immigration and Integration.
All of these services are specified in the specifications, published by order of the minister responsible for asylum, for reception centres for asylum seekers and structures receiving funding from the ministry responsible for asylum for the reception of asylum seekers.