In the territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands, for the application of:
1° Articles R. 5125-1, R. 5125-2, R. 5125-4 with the exception of the third paragraph, R. 5125-5, R. 5125-7, R. 5125-11 and R. 5125-12, the words: “the Director General of the Regional Health Agency” are replaced by the words: “the Director of the Territorial Health Agency”;
2° The first paragraph of Article R. 5125-2 and the fourth paragraph of Article R. 5125-11, the words: “to the regional representative appointed by each trade union representing the profession within the meaning ofArticle L. 162-33 of the Social Security Code” are replaced by the words: “to the Indian Ocean representative appointed by each trade union representing the profession within the meaning of Article L. 162-33 of the Social Security Code”;
3° In article R. 5125-7, the words: “recueil des actes administratifs de la préfecture de région et, le cas échéant, des autres préfectures de région compétentes” are replaced by the words: “Journal officiel du territoire des îles Wallis et Futuna”.