Where the customer of one of the persons referred to in Article L. 561-2 is a company, “beneficial owner”, within the meaning of 1° of Article L. 561-2-2, means the natural person(s) who either directly or indirectly holds more than 25% of the company’s capital or voting rights, or by any other means exercises control over the company within the meaning of 3° and 4° of I of Article L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code.
If no natural person can be identified in accordance with the criteria set out in the previous paragraph, and if the person referred to in Article L. 561-2 has no suspicion of money laundering or terrorist financing with regard to the customer mentioned in the previous paragraph, the beneficial owner is the following natural person(s) or, if the company is not registered in France, their equivalent under foreign law who legally represents the company:
a) The manager or managers of general partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, partnerships limited by shares and civil partnerships;
b) The managing director of public limited companies with a board of directors;
c) The sole managing director or the chairman of the management board of public limited companies with a management board and supervisory board;
d) The chairman and, where applicable, the managing director of simplified joint stock companies.
If the legal representatives mentioned in a or d are legal entities, the beneficial owner is the natural person or persons who legally represent these legal entities.