If the sentenced person refuses to have the device fitted, the sentence enforcement judge shall without delay organise the adversarial debate provided for by Article 712-6 to possibly decide on one of the following measures:
1° In the case of conditional release, to withdraw from the prisoner the benefit of his release;
2° In the case of socio-judicial monitoring, to enforce all or part of the term of imprisonment set by the sentencing court;
3° In the case of judicial supervision, to enforce all or part of the term of imprisonment corresponding to the reductions in sentence.
This decision is taken before the sentenced person is released.
Where the decision falls within the jurisdiction of the sentence enforcement court and the debate before that court cannot take place before the date scheduled for the sentenced person’s release, the sentence enforcement judge shall provisionally order that the sentenced person remain in detention until the date of the debate, which must take place within fifteen days at the latest.