No person may hold, de jure or de facto, a management or administrative position in a certifier body within the meaning of article L. 6113-2 if he has been convicted of a crime or offence contrary to good character and morality.
This condition of good repute is assessed at the time of application for registration of a proposed professional qualification or certification or authorisation in the national registers and at any time during the registration period.
Bulletin No. 3 of the criminal record less than three months old of the persons mentioned in the first paragraph is attached to the application for registration sent to the Director General of France Compétences. Failure to send this report within one month of the notification of a formal notice by the Director General of France Compétences will result in the application for registration being inadmissible.
In the event of a change in management staff during the registration period, bulletin no. 3 of the criminal record of the persons concerned, less than three months old, is sent to the Director General of France Compétences. Failure to send this report within two months of the notification of a formal notice by the Director General of France Compétences will result in the withdrawal of the professional certification from the national professional certification register or of the certification or authorisation from the specific register.
In the event of a report identifying an imminent and serious risk of physical or moral harm to candidates for the acquisition of a professional qualification or a qualification or accreditation registered in the national directories, the Director General of France Compétences may, as a precautionary measure, suspend the registration of the professional qualification or qualification or accreditation.